Trump Gloves Off Fires Sessions Revokes CNN Jim Acosta Press Pass

As I’ve been predicting after the midterms, President Trump took his gloves off. First he fired his AG James ‘do nothing’ Sessions. Then later revoking CNN Jim Acosta’s press-pass, after Acosta was belligerent and assaulted a young Whitehouse Intern. Acosta had it coming and his presidential bums rush was long over due! 😆

CNN Jim Acosta Press Pass Revoked
The moment a young Whitehouse intern attempted to take microphone away from CNN Jim Acosta, and was physically assaulted

No more Mr. Nice Guy! President Trump has been putting up with the hate networks crap for too long. It’s time he keeps fighting for America with the gloves off. ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NBC should be fair game from now on. Use their hate against the jerks!

CNN defended Acosta saying he did nothing wrong. The video clearly shows Trump’s Intern reach for the microphone in Acosta’s right hand. He then pushes her away with his left hand. The law refers to this action as an Assault.

Jim Acosta is lucky the Secret Service didn’t lock his ass up! 😆

Acosta was the big news last night, but the firing of Whitehouse Attorney General, James Sessions deserves an honorable mention. Sessions stood by and did absolutely nothing as Liberal Democrats smeared President Trump, his associates and family, with their Russia Investigation, headed by Robert Muller. What were Democrats holding over Sessions head? Something stinks right there. What skeletons are hiding in Sessions past!

The truce between President Trump and Nancy Pelosi appears to be over. Pelosi was really upset with Trump’s firing of James Sessions. She figures Robert Muller will soon be fired by acting AG Matthew Whitaker. The craps soon fixing to hit the fan! 🙄

Here is President Trump’s press conference from yesterday 11/07/18. 😉

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